For how enjoyable and amusing it can be to live with pets, it is also true that having to deal with their hair might be daunting. Not only having hairs flying around can make your house look messier, but it may also aggravate allergies and cause breathing problems.

But how can you get rid of pet hair? The answer might be a bit more complicated than what you expect. If that brings you down, don’t despair because you’ve landed on the right page! To help you in the process of maintaining a clean and healthy house, we’ve put together this essential guide to remove pet hair.

Make Good Use of Your Vacuum Cleaner

Vacuuming can considerably help you to remove pet hair. However, you have to do it properly to get the best results. First, you need to keep your vacuum maintained to allow for the best suction levels and most efficient cleaning. Commit to clean your vacuum cleaner monthly. Also, work slowly, especially in the overlapping sections, to get all the dirt out.

If you are vacuuming your sofa, make sure you vacuum front to back and side to side to remove all pet hairs caught up in the fabric.

    Make Sure You Have the Right Tools

    Each surface requires different cleaning methods when it comes to hair removal. In this section, we look at the best ways to clean floors, furniture, and carpets.

    Despite what you might think, vacuuming does not do a great job removing pet hair on hardwood floors. All it does is to blowing the fur around, causing the room to be even messier. To properly clean your surfaces, use a microfiber mop to trap particles and pick them up more effectively. Make sure it’s dry, though!

    For preventing pet hair from accumulating on your furniture, you may consider keeping a throw on couches and chairs. To clean and remove the hair, use this trick: put on a damp rubber glove and run your hand over your sofa, bed, or chair. It will work like magic!

    To remove pet hair from carpets, you can use de-shedding tools or even a pumice stone to scrape out all the accumulated hair. After having gathered the hair, you can easily vacuum it.

    Also, clean ceilings and walls monthly to prevent hair from floating around the house. Use a microfiber mop. The cloth must be damp to hold on to the hair and take up as much as possible. Wash the cloth after use and keep rinsing it while you clean.

      What About Blankets and Sheets?

      While it is easier to tell a dog not to get on your bed, cats tend to do what they please and will still jump on it as soon as you leave the house. Here is what you can do to get rid of pet hair from your bedsheets.

      • Consider getting a covered duvet – they tend to be easier to wash and don’t grab hair as tightly as sheets made of woven.
      • Shake your sheets outside before you put them in the laundry
      • Clean your laundry machine regularly
      • When washing, select the highest water level and longest wash setting.
      • Consider rinsing to take out all the pet hair.
      • Don’t overcrowd the machine.

      Keep in mind that the same tips listed here apply to clothes too! If you want to remove pet hair from the clothes you are wearing, sticky lint rollers work fine. Alternatively, you can also use a damp rubber glove.

        Stick to a Regular Grooming Schedule

        While owning a pet can be fun, it also comes with responsibilities. One of the best ways to keep your house free of pet hair is to brush your pets daily. If you own a cat, you may want to consider using a grooming glove to remove excess hair.


        Maintain The Heating and Cooling System

        However unusual this tip may sound, maintaining your heating and cooling system in the right condition can make a huge difference in the quantity of hair you have blowing around at home. The logic is simple: a dirty system contributes to circulating air that is not clean. Using the right filter (and changing it regularly) will help you removing pet hair and other allergens.

          Use house cleaning hacks

          Be innovative in house cleaning. Make use of any of the hacks listed below:

          • Have cleaning supplies caddy available in various places so you can do quick cleans.
          • Wash toys in a laundry bag.
          • Use pillowcases on fans
          • Use vacuums or get a robot vacuum to sweep the floor for you.
          • Clean your iron to make ironing easier and faster.
          • Remove pet hair using a lint roller
          • Get rid of water stains using a few lemons in half glass of water.
          • Scrub your oven with baking soda and spray it with vinegar.
          • Clean your carpet with peroxide.
          • Use peppermint oils mixed with a few drops of water to clean your granite countertops

          Bring in the expert

          The fact is, you are not an expert on everything. Running around the clock from office to house can be exhausting. Instead of pushing yourself to the limit, hire experts in the cleaning service to do the house cleaning for you.

          Delegating menial tasks will take off pressure from your shoulder. Hiring a cleaning service to do these tasks will help you focus more on what matters most — your family and me-time.

          For the best cleaning service, SAB Cleaning Service is the best option for working moms like you. They have years of service that make them a reliable choice to handle your household affairs.

          A messy house only adds stress to you and your family life. The goal is to have a livable house that is also presentable enough for guests to come in. Remember, progress beats perfection. Managing things one step at a time without beating yourself up.

          As a working mother, you are the light of the house. You owe it to yourself and your family to live a comfortable and meaningful life.

          Be Clever and Use the Dryer

          Lint rollers can do a great job on small surfaces, but when it comes to doing some proper cleaning, the dryer will become your best friend. You can remove pet hair from blankets, pillow covers, sofa covers, and clothes by throwing them in the dryer with a dryer ball before washing. No matter how illogical this sounds, you’ll manage to get the fur stuck in your clothes’ fibers right off without having it stuck in your laundry machine.


          Consider Professional Deep Cleaning

          If you want to get rid of all the fur and dirt, contacting a professional service provider is your best choice. After all, professionals do it better!

          At SAB Cleaning, we provide a variety of cleaning services at affordable prices. Our team of reliable workers are experts in deep cleaning and leading technology and will make sure your house or office is sparkling clean when they are done. Plus, you’ll be relieved from the burden of cleaning, which is no small thing.


          The Bottom Line

          Hopefully, with this guide, you have a better idea of how to get rid of pet hair in your home. Make sure you follow all of the tips we provided you with for getting the best results. Moreover, keep in mind that different surfaces require different treatments, and not all methods are equally efficient.


          If the thought of cleaning your house is enough to make your head spin, do not worry. For effective and spotless deep cleaning, consider contacting a professional service, like the one we offer at SAB Cleaning. We know the struggle of keeping a house clean, especially when you have pets running around and shedding hair. But we are here to help you maintain your home always beautiful, no matter how many pets you might have!


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